Walk-in-interview at Institute for Plasma Research, Guwahati

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Walk-in-interview at Institute for Plasma Research, Guwahati
A Walk-in-interview will be conducted far the recruitment of 1 (One) no. of Project Scientific Offices (IT) on a purty contractual basis, to be posted at CPP- IPR. Interested candidates may appear before a selection committee on 09.09.2022 at CPP-IPR, Nazirakhat, Sonapur, Kamrup (M), Assam along with all requisite documents in support of qualifications and eligibility criteria

1.Project Scientific Offices (IT): 1 no
EQ: BE/ R.Tech in Computer Science/ IT/ or M.SC.(IT) or MCA with minimum 60% marks

Date of Walk-in-interview at Plasma Research: 9.9.2022

for details regarding educational qualfications, experence and genera! information etc please visit invtitute’s website http://www cppip.res.in

For details click here

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