ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh Recruitment Notice

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ICMR Recruitment Notice

Applications are invited for the following Technical Posts to be filled on regular basis at ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh, Assam.

Veterinary Sciences: 1
EQ:1st class Bachelor’s degree (Minimum three years) in Veterinary Sciences (B.V.Sc.) from a recognized University

Life sciences: 1
EQ:1st class Bachelor’s degree (Minimum three years) in Zoology from a recognized University

Bioscience & Bioinformatics:1
EQ:1st class Bachelor’s degree (Minimum three years) in Bioscience & Bio informatics (or) Biotechnology from a recognized University

Pay Level:Level-6 Rs.35,400-1,12,400

Life Sciences:7 nos
EQ:i)12th or Intermediate pass in Science subject with 55% marks
ii)At least One-year Diploma in MLT from a Govt. recognized institution

Computer Sciences:1
EQ:i)12th or Intermediate pass in Science subject with 55% marks
ii)At least or One-year Diploma in Computer applications/science from a Govt. recognized institution

Pay Level: Level-2 Rs.19,900-63,200

EQ:i) 10th pass with 50% marks in aggregate from recognized board
ii)One year working experience in a Govt. recognized/approved/registered lab.

Pay Level: Level-1 Rs.18,000- 56,900


SC/ST/PwBD and Women candidates are exempted from payment of application fee as per GoI orders. ICMR employees are not exempted from the payment of the fee.
All other applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee in the form of Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft amounting to Rs. 300/- (Three hundred) only in the favor of “Director, ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh” and payable at Dibrugarh. The application fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.


The candidates applying for the post should first confirm their eligibility as per advertisement on the website of the Centre or ICMR. They should also ensure that they have a valid personal e-mail ID and mobile number. Candidate should note that the e-mail ID and mobile number are to be kept active during the recruitment process. The candidates should ensure that the email ID is not shared or disclosed to anybody. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. The e-mail ID is required for the communication purpose.

All eligible candidates willing to apply in response to this advertisement notice for the posts of Technical Assistant, Technician-1 and Laboratory Attendant-1 should visit Institutes website at https://rmrcne.org.in and register himself/herself via the “Online Registration” link before the last date for registration of application form i.e. 09/08/2023 and generate a Registration Number.

Thereafter, candidates have to download the Application Form from the Institute’s website and a printed copy of the filled offline application form duly signed by the applicant along with relevant enclosures and non-refundable application fee in the form of Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three hundred) only should be sent in a sealed envelope cover super scribing “Application for the post of……… (name of the post), (Registration Number)” to “Director, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Bokul, Lahowal, Dibrugarh – 786003, Assam” through speed post/Registered post (applications by hand will not be received) latest by 12/08/2023.

Only applications received by speed post / registered post will valid Registration Number will be accepted. No other mode of application will be considered.

In case of any query, please email to icmrrcdi@nic.in

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