Assam Police Constable Recruitment Admit Card 2021, PET/ PST Call Letter for 6662 Posts

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Assam Police Constable Recruitment Admit Card 2021, PET/ PST Call Letter for 6662 Posts

Reference Notice issued vide Memo No. SLPRB/Rec/Const (AB&UB) /VolIV/441/2018/61 dated 18-03-2021 regarding suspension of PST/PET in 15 districts in connection with recruitment of 2391 posts of Constables UB & 4271 posts of Constable AB in Assam Police due to enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct for Assembly
Election, 2021 in Assam.

The PST/PET will start w.e.f. 01-09-2021 in the following 15 districts 1) Biswanath, 2) Chirang, 3) Darrang, 4) Dhemaji, 5) Dhubri, 6) Hailakandi, 7) Hojai, 8) Jorhat, 9) Morigaon, 10) Kamrup(M), 11) Karimganj, 12) Karbi Anglong, 13) Sivasagar, 14) Sonitpur & 15) Udalgari.

The Candidates of the above mentioned districts will be able to download their Admit Cards for PST/ PET with effect from 20-08-2021. However, the candidates who had appeared in the PST/PET earlier need not appear again.

Candidate facing difficulty in downloading the Admit Card may immediately contact Help Line No.-8826762317 or Email to Notice regarding PST/PET and downloading of Admit Card for the remaining 15 districts will be published shortly.

Download Admit Card for PST/PET

Problem in Login ? Please contact help desk at No. 8826762317(10AM to 5PM) or Email at
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