Vacancy Notification, 349 Posts, ASRB, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board

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Vacancy Notification, 349 Posts, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board ASRB invites applications for filling up 349 Non-Research Management (Non- RMPs) Positions in different locations at ICAR Research institutes. Candidates are required to apply online using the application form link available on the website: only.


1.Project Coordinator (Item Nos.01 to 17) & Head of Division, Head of Regional Station/Centre (Item Nos. 18 to 311) :31.10.2022

2.Senior Scientist-cum-Head,KVK: 11.11.2022

The candidates are required to apply online using the online application form link available on the ASRB website only. No other mode of filling of online application is allowed

The application fee of Rs 1500

1.Project Coordinator, Head of Divisions, Head of Regional Station/Centre : An applicant must be a citizen of India and should not have attained the age of 60 years as on the closing date for submission of online applications for the posts of Project Coordinator, Head of Divisions, Head of Regional Station/Centre notified in Advt. No. 02/2022.

2.Senior Scientist-cum-Head, KVK
An applicant must be a citizen of India an d must not have attained the age of 47 years as on closing date for submission of online applications for the post of Senior Scientist-cum-Head, KVK notified in Advt. No. 02/2022. There will be no age limit for the ICAR employees

The candidates should upload documents as specified in the application form. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Divyang categories must upload self attested copy of relevant caste/category certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
Candidates should ensure submission of only authentic documents, originals of which will be verified at the time of the interview, in case the candidate is shortlisted for interview. Any non-compliance may result in rejection of the application.
No supplementary documents for addition to the application(s) once submitted online shall be accepted by the Board

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