Online Mock Test For LP TET, Pedagogy, English April 14, 2020 admin Comments Off on Online Mock Test For LP TET, Pedagogy, English Welcome to "Online Mock Test For LP TET, Pedagogy, English" How can a person correctly communicate? text message email all of the above speaking Listening and hearing refer to different things mental & physical acts, respectively a specific act versus a general act the same thing most of our walking time goes in reading speaking hearing writing A reflective listener appreciates the message repeats the message's essential parts thinks about the speakers messages ignores the details Waving is what type of communication? body language sign language gestures body position communication is a part of hard skill rough skill tough skill soft skill the information which is transferred to the receiver has to be interpreted this process is called _____ closing decoding encoding opening Listening, like speaking, reading and writing is a habit a skill a gift of nature an art a clarifying listener repeats what is said explains the message elaborates the speakers underlying thoughts illustrate the message with examples intensive reading involves reading _________ texts for detailed information medium critical shorter longer when a listener abstracts partially, listening is : distored helped slanted obstructed what is verbal communication? using verbal noise when more than one person is talking when someone is talking and someone else is listening talking to someone what is communication without words? non-verbal communication there is no communication without words telepathy sign language Which of the following is NOT a form of non-verbal communication? written communication telepathy body language facial expression Good listeners concentrate on minor details none of the above important words the speaker's main thought 1 out of 3 Time's upTime is Up!