M/S Eagle Group, Guwahati Invites Application for Walk in Interview

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M/S Eagle Group, Guwahati Invites Application for Walk in Interview
Name of post: Web Developer cum Digital Marketing Executive- Male/ Female
No of posts: 1 (One) at the Beltola, Guwahati office of EAGLE GROUP
Nature of job:Time to time modification and publicity of the company website.
Desired expertise: Knowledge of Laravel, SEO, Adwords& FBads is mandatory.
Duty time: 9:00 PM- 6:00 PM on normal days.

Pay: Rs. 8,000/- -Rs. 12,000/- pm based on experience.
Age: Below 30 years
Educational Qualification: Graduate with web development and computer knowledge.

How to apply:
1) Come to the office for walk-in-interview along with the CV and all certificates
2) E-mail the CV to md.eaglegroup@gmail.com at the following format:
1.Present working status.
2.Earlier employment details.
3.Educational qualification with all details.
4.Full address: Permanent and temporary.
5.Marital status

Last date: Last date for application is 30.08.20

Address for communication:
M/S Eagle Group
28, Lane-2, Sanghati Path
Kailash Nagar, Beltola
Guwahati-781028, Assam
M: 6913334671, 6001800448
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Eagle-Group-1150406678338693/
Website: www.assamproducts.com

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