Recruitment of Executive Engineer (Civil) and Accounts Officer at AIIMS, Guwahati

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Recruitment of Executive Engineer (Civil) and Accounts Officer at AIIMS, Guwahati
Applications are invited in prescribed pro-forma from eligible Officers of Central/State Government/U.T/Autonomous Bodies/Universities/Public Sector Undertaking/R&D Organization/Police
Departments of Central/State/U.T/Armed Forces including Para Military Forces as applicable for filling up the following Group ‘A’ Posts on Deputation Basis at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati.

AIIMS Job on Deputation are:

1.Executive Engineer(Civil): 1no
Pay: Level-11 (Rs.67700 -208700)

EQ:Executive Engineers (Civil) or Asstt.Engineers (Civil) with 8 years of regular service in that grade, from CPWD. In the event of suitable candidates not being available from CPWD similar officers from other Engineering Departments of the Central Government or Central Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies shall be considered. An officer taken on deputation shall possess a Degree in Civil Engineering.

2.Accounts Officer (For AIIMS,Guwahati):1
Pay: Level-10 as per 7th CPC (RS. 56100-177500)
EQ:Officers under the Central Government or Central Statutory/Autonomous bodies holding analogous posts on regular basis and handling Accounts and Finance matters or holding posts of Accounts/ AuditOfficer or equivalent in the pay scale of Rs.2375-3500(Pre-Revised Scale of Pay Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay Rs. 4600/- as per 6th
CPC or in pay matrix Level-7 as per 7thCPC)/Rs.2200-4000 (Pre- Revised Scale of Pay Rs.15600-39100/- with GradePay Rs.5400/- as per 6th CPC or in pay matrix Level-10 as per 7 th CPC).
Assistant Accounts Officers in the pay scale of Rs.2000-3200(Pre-Revised Scale of Pay Rs.9300- 34800/-with Grade PayRs. 4600/-as per 6th CPC or in pay matrix Level-7 as per 7th CPC) with 7 years of regular service in the grade (including the service in the grade of Junior Accounts Officer/SAS Accountants/ Accountant in the scale of
Rs.1640- 2900 (Pre-Revised Scale of Pay Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- as per 6th CPC or in pay matrix Level-6 as per 7th CPC)).

The officers who fulfill the above qualifications/eligibility criteria may submit their application in the
prescribed proforma at Annexure-I through proper channel to The Assistant Administrative Officer, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati, Changsari, Kamrup, Assam – 781101.

The last date for receipt of completed application on the prescribed proforma along with required documents through proper channel is 30 days after publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. (27.8.2022)

For details click here

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