Recruitment of Varius Post at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Assam Agricultural University
Online applications are invited from the Indian citizens for filling up of the posts of Senior Scientist-cum-Head; Subject Matter Specialist; Programme Assistant(Lab. Technician);Programme Assistant (Computer); Farm Manager; Assistant; Stenographer(grade -IIT; Driver & Agromet Observer in Krishi Vigvan Kendra/ GKMS Scheme under Assam Agril. University.
The number of posts and eligibility criteria, along with other terms of reference are available in the Recruitment Section of AAU- Website.
The online application forms will be available in the site w.e.f March 05/2021 and the eligible candidates may apply on or before the midnight of 27″°March, 2021 through the given web link
Name of the post : Senior Scientist-cum-Head under KVKs of AAU,
No. of posts : 6 (Six Nos)
Initial Pay : Rs. 1, 31,400/- (Level 13A in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Subject Matter Specialist
No. of posts : 19 ( Nineteen Nos.)
Initial pay: Rs.56,100/- (Level 10 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Subject Matter Specialist (Agro-meteorology) under GKMS
No. of posts : 12 (Twelve) Nos.
Discipline : Agro-meteorology/Meteorology/Agronomy/Agricultural Physics/
Initial Pay : Rs. 56,100/- (Level 10 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, IMD norms)
Name of the post : Programme Assistant (Lab. technician) under KVKs
No. of posts : 1 (One No)
Essential qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture/Animal Science /Fishery Science /Community Science/ Horticulture/ Sericulture
Initial pay: Rs.35,400/- (Level 6 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Name of the post: Farm Manager under KVKs
No. of posts : 1 (One No)
Initial Pay : Rs. 35,400/- (Level 6 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Name of the post : Programme Assistant (Computer) under KVKs
No. of posts : 1 (One No)
Essential qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant field (Computer Science/Computer Application/Information Technology) or equivalent from a recognized University/Govt. Organization.
Initial pay: Rs.35,400/- (Level 6 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Name of the post: Assistant ( erstwhile Office Superintendent-Cum-Accountant)
No. of posts : 1 (One No)
Essential qualification: Bachelor’s degree in any subject from a recognized University with 5 years work experience in Accounts and establishment.
Initial pay: Rs.35,400/- (Level 6 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Name of the post: Stenographer Gr – III (erstwhile Jr. Stenographer-cum-Computer Operator)
No. of posts : 4 (Four No)
Initial Pay : Rs. 25,500/- (Level 4 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms
Essential qualification: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University with working knowledge of computer (minimum 6 months Diploma in Computer Application).
Name of the post: Agromet Observer under GKMS Scheme in the KVKs
No. of posts : 12 (Twelve Nos)
Initial Pay : Rs. 21,700/- (Level 3 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, IMD norms)
Essential qualification: Higher Secondary (10+2) in Science
Name of the post: Driver (erstwhile Driver-cum-Mechanic)
No. of posts : 1 (one) no
Initial pay: Rs.21,700/- (Level 3 in Pay Matrix, 7th Pay, ICAR norms)
Submission of application forms:
i)Application form in prescribed format is to be submitted online at or before March 27th /2021
ii)Application fee is to be deposited with the application on online mode only. The prescribed fee is Rs. 300/- in case of general candidates and Rs. 150/- in case of SC/ST/DAC candidates.
iii)Reservation shall be as per Government of Assam Rules.
iv)In-service candidates must submit forwarding letter from current employer along with the