Recruitment of 36 posts at Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

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Recruitment of 36 posts at Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
Online Applications are invited for 36 vacant posts from qualified professionals who fulfil the eligibility norms to work in the City Level Technical Cell of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), Assam & AMRUT, Assam

Submission of Online Application: 7th October to 19th October, 2020

Online applications are invited from qualified professionals who are citizens of India and fulfil the eligibility norms of educational qualification, age, work experience etc. as mentioned below against each posts to work in the City Level Technical Cell (CLTC) of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing for All-Urban and State Office of AMRUT Mission at Guwahati. The appointments shall be made purely on contractual basis for a period of One Year only, however the contract may be renewed depending on the satisfactory annual performance. Candidates who fulfils the criteria need to apply online in Applications submitted, other than in the prescribed format (online), will not be considered and shall be summarily rejected. Upon successful submission of application, the applicant will receive Application Reference Number (ARN) which may be quoted for further correspondences.

PMAY-U post vacancies

1.City Project ManagerCivil Works : 12 posts
EQ:Post Graduate /Degree/ Diploma in Civil Engineering from any recognized university or institution with minimum 60% marks.
1.Rs. 45,000/- per month for Post Graduate Degree holders. (In select ULB-DA Only)
2.Rs 35,000/- per month for Bachelor Degree holders.
3.Rs 25,000/- per month for Diploma holders.

2.City Project ManagerMIS : 14 posts
EQ:MCA/ B.Tech (CSE/IT)/BE (CSE/IT)/ Diploma (CSE) with minimum 60% in qualifying exam from a recognized university or institution
1.Rs. 45,000/- per month for Post Graduate Degree holders.
2.Rs 35,000/- per month for Bachelor Degree holders.
3.Rs 25,000/- per month for Diploma holders.

3.Project Associate: 8 posts
EQ:Graduate in any discipline from any recognized university Knowledge of Computer applications.
Salary:Rs 25,000/- per month

AMRUT post vacancies

1.City Project ManagerCivil Works :1 post
EQ:Post Graduate Degree/ Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering from any recognized university or institution with minimum 60% marks.

  1. Rs. 45000/- per month for Post Graduate Degree holders.
  2. Rs 35000/- per month for Bachelor Degree holders

2.City Project ManagerFinance
EQ:Post Graduate in Finance/ MBA in Finance/ HR with minimum 60% in qualifying exam from a recognized university or institution.
Salary: Rs. 45000/- per month.

How To Apply:

1.Only online application through will be accepted. Scanned documents to be uploaded with online application.
2.A candidate can select any 2 (two) districts as preferred place of posting at the time of filling up the application. No change in district will be allowed afterwards.
3.The link for Online Application will be active from 9:00 AM of 7th October, 2020 and will remain active till 12:00 PM of 19th October, 2020. No communication in respect of submission of Online Application will be entertained once the submission date is over. Mode of Application is Online only.
4.For any quires contact – Toll Free Number : 1800 123 167 167, Email :

For details click here

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