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Online Mock Test For LP TET, Pedagogy, English Language

LP TET, Pedagogy

LP TET, Pedagogy

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Online Mock Test For LP TET, Pedagogy, English Language

Candidates who wish to become teachers of LP (lower primary) need to appear and qualify the Assam TET examination. It is conducted by the Department of Elementary Education, Assam. Assam TET qualifiers are awarded the TET certificate after the release of results.

This set of questions is from English Language for paper I. These questions covers Pedagogy of language teaching

No of Questions: 15
Time : 20 minutes

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the information which is transferred to the receiver has to be interpreted this process is called _____

intensive reading involves reading _________ texts for detailed information

when a listener abstracts partially, listening is :

most of our walking time goes in

A reflective listener

Listening, like speaking, reading and writing is

Listening and hearing refer to

Which of the following is NOT a form of non-verbal communication?

what is communication without words?

Good listeners concentrate on

what is verbal communication?

How can a person correctly communicate?

a clarifying listener

Waving is what type of communication?

communication is a part of

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