Admission Into Junior Technical School, Sivasagar For The Session -2021-22

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Admission Into Junior Technical School, Sivasagar For The Session -2021-22
(The Course Of T.S.L.C. Is Equivalent To The H.S.L.C. As Well As Industrial Training Institute (I.T.I.) Of Assam]

Application in prescribed form are invited from candidates who are permanent residents of Assam for admission into First Year (1st year) of Technical School Leaving Certificate [T.S.L.C.] course at Junior Technical School, Sivasagar for the session 2021-22

The duration of the course is 3 [three] years. Candidates who have passed Class-VIII [Eight] from any Govt. Recognized Board/ Institutions and between 14 [fourteen] to 17 [seventeen] years of age on 01.04.2021 are eligible for apply.

There is no tuition fee but students shall be required to pay annually dues as fixed by the authority from time to time.

Candidates should be medically fit for intensive workshop training and should have aptitude for becoming craft and for taking career as skilled workers.

Candidates shall have to appear on a written test at Junior Technical School, Sivasagar at their own expenses. The written test should be on Mathematics and English as a standard
prescribed for Class-VIIl of High School curriculum. The date & time as fixed and intimated by the Superintendent of Junior Technical School, Sivasagar.

Application for admission duly filled up will be received by the Superintendent, Junior Technical School, Sivasagar within 3 weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement. The application forms will be available in the office of the Superintendent, Junior Technical School, Sivasagar.

The duration of the courses is of 3 (three) years which includes Humanities, Mathematics, Science (Physics & Chemistry) Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Drawing with special trade in Machinist, Fitting, Tuming, Welding, Carpentry, Black smithy, Moulding and Pattern Maker.

Candidates on successful completion of the three years course will be awarded Technical School Leaving Certificate (T.S.L.C.) with the trade specialization certificate of any one
of the existing trade taken by the candidates. The T.S.L.C. is equivalent to High School Leaving Certificate [H.S.L.C.) awarded by the Board of Secondary School, Assam and it
also treated as equivalent to I.T.I. passed certificate from the craftsman point of view for employment of the candidates under the Directorate of Technical Education, Assam.

The passed out students will be given preference for admission into Diploma Courses by appearing Polytechnic Admission Test conducted by Directorate of Technical Education of Assam according to their merit.

Sd/- Director of Technical Education, Assam,
Janasanyog/D/159/21 Kahilipara, Guwahati-19

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