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Walk-in interview for the post of Photographer cum Technical Expert at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat

Assam Agricultural University

Assam Agricultural University

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Walk-in interview for the post of Photographer cum Technical Expert at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
A walk- in- Interview for filling up of a post of Photographer cum Technical expert will be held at the office chamber of the undersigned as per schedule given below. The post is purily temporary on contractual basis. Intending candidates having requisite qualification may report to the undersigned and submit application in plain paper enclosing the biodata along with self attested copies of certificates and other testimonials and appear in the interview specified on the date, time and venue.

1.Photographer cum Technical expert: 1 no
EQ:Technical Skills in Machine Management expert and assembly language, Linux, Java, Programming and web designing in Photography processing and editing
Venue & Date: 5th July, 2019, Time:11.30 A.M
Office of the Dean College of Community Science AAU, Jorhat

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