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Result for admission into 1 (one) Year Elementary Knowledge on A.H. & Vety. Sc. Course for the session 2017-18

Teacher Eligibility Test

Govt of Assam

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Result for admission into 1 (one) Year Elementary Knowledge on A.H. & Vety. Sc. Course for the session 2017-18
The following candidates of BTAD Area have been selected on the basis of their H.S.(Sc.) with Biology
Marks as well as interview marks obtained for admission into 1 (one) Year Elementary Knowledge
on A.H. & Vety. Sc. Course for the session 2017-18 (Special Drive).

The selected candidates will report to the Principal, School of Vety. Sc. & A. H. Assam, Ghungoor, Silchar for their admission accordingly. They will have to bring cash money for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand) only as admission fee .etc. beside all testimonials in original, 2(two) recent Pass Port size photographs with white background, Medical Fitness Certificate mentioning Blood Group and Identification mark to be obtained from any Medical Officer working in State Govt. Hospitals/Dispensaries of Assam.

Individual letters to the selected candidates have already been despatched for joining the course on or
before 14th Aug. 2019, failing which their seat will be cancelled and will be filled up from the waitlisted
candidates of respective category shown below. The authorities will not be responsible for any postal delay for non-receipt of joining letter in time. However any candidate of the following Roll No. may report to the Principal, School of Vety. Sc. & A. H. Assam, Ghungoor, Silchar along with the above mentioned requisites for admission.

Roll No. of Selected candidates called for Admission. B137, B105, B110, B135, B168, B115, B100, B90, B53, B155, B113, B95, B28, B167, B114, B136, B119, B169, B132, B123, B145, B124, B156, B98, B51,
B108, B161, B13, B87, B152, B59, B99, B134, B16, B39, B122, B163, B96, B67, B31, B65, B62, B9, B18,
B6, B158, B7, B153, B8, B154, B164, B33, B143.

The following wait listed candidates will be called subject to arising of seat/s in respective category.
General Waiting list – B76, B23, B24, B150, B36, B85, B26, B127.
O.B.C. Waiting List – B109, B107, B131, B83, B92.
S.C. Waiting List – B5, B32.
S.T.(PLAINS) Waiting List – B22, B159, B160.
No Candidates Available from S.T.(Hills) Category

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