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Recruitment of Medical Officer, Nurse and Care Coordinator at AMCH & JMCH

Assam Govt Jobs

Assam Govt Jobs

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Recruitment of Medical Officer, Nurse and Care Coordinator at AMCH & JMCH
Walk-in-interview has been fixed by the following Institutions for filling up the following vacant posts under Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS) to be appointed on contractual basis at ART Centres under the institutes initially for a period up to 31/03/2021, which may be extended subject to approval of necessary funds from NACO in the next Financial Year as well as performance appraisal and coterminous of the project.

1.Assam Medical College & Hospital, Dibrugarh
Medical Officer: 2
Salary: Rs. 50,000/-
Date and Reporting time of Interview : 15/09/2020 at 10.00AM

2.Jorhat Medical College & Hospital
Medical Officer: 1
Salary: Rs. 50,000/-
Nurse: 1
Salary: Rs. 13,000/-
Care Coordinator: 1
Salary: Rs. 6,000/-
Date and Reporting time of Interview : 16/09/2020 at 10.00AM

The educational qualification, experience, age, venue of interview and other details of the posts may be seen at the website of Assam State AIDS Control Society: www.

For details click here

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