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Recruitment of Deputy Director and Consultant at Assam Agri University

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Recruitment of Deputy Director and Consultant at Assam Agri University
Applications are invited for the following posts of Regional-cum- Facilitation Centre for NE Region. Candidates who had already submitted their Applications in response to our Advertisement No. DR(A)/2, 2019 need not to apply again.

1.Deputy Director: 01
EQ:M. Sc in Botany or Forestry with medicinal plants/ Agronomy/ Horticulture.
Exp: At least 20 years experience in Medicinal pant sector and 10 years managerial position.
Age: Upper Age limit up to 63 years
Pay: 50,000/-

2.Consultant: 02
EQ: M. Sc in Botany or Forestry with medicinal plants/Agronomy / Horticulture
Exp: At least 5 years experience in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
Age: Upper Age limit up to 43 years
Pay: 35,000/-

Intending eligible candidates may submit their applications in the prescribed Application Format with all relevant documents and non-refundable Application fee to the undersigned on or before 30/08/2019. The applicants in service shall submit their Applications through proper channel.

The prescribed application form may be obtained from the office of the undersigned on working days up to 25/08/2019 on deposit of a crossed IPO of Rs. 20/- (Rupees Twenty only) duly pledged in favour of the Director of Research (Agri.), Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13 payable at AAU, Jorhat P.O being the cost of Application Form. The prescribed application form may also be downloaded from the AAU’s website ‘’. In case of using the downloaded copy of application form, the candidate must deposit the aforesaid crossed IPO of Rs. 20/-(Rupees twenty only) drawn in favour of the Director of Research(Agri.), AAU, Jorhat-13, along with the Application.

Terms and conditions:
1.The candidate must be citizen of India.
2.Applicant must mention the name of the post applied for on the top of the envelope submitting application.
3.The upper age limit is relexable as per Govt. of Assam’s rules. In case of the candidates working in AAU, the maximum age limit will be relaxed as per AAU’s norms.
4.2(two) copies of self attested passport size photographs must be enclosed with the Application.
5.Non-refundable Application fee of Rs. 300.00 (Rs.150.00 in case of SC/ST/PHD candidates only) in the shape of A/C payee Bank Draft of a Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the ‘Director of Research(Agri.), Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13’, payable at Jorhat must be enclosed with the Application.
6.In case of the candidate of using the downloaded copy of Application Form, an IPO of Rs. 20/-(as mentioned above) must be enclosed with the Application.
7.One self-addressed envelope affixing postal stamp of Rs. 6.00(Rupees six only) must be enclosed with the application.
8.The last date of receipt of Application by the Office of the undersigned is 30/08/2019. No application will be entertained after the last fixed date.
9.The Applicants must submit self attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification, character/conduct, experience etc.
10.Canvassing directly or indirectly will be treated as disqualification of candidates.

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