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Admission Notice Green Skill Development Programme

Admission Notice Green Skill Development Programme

Admission Notice Green Skill Development Programme

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Admission Notice Green Skill Development Programme
Applications are invited from interested & eligible candidates for Certificate Course under Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India for Certificate course in “Preparation of People’s Bio-Diversity Register (PBR)”. The course will be fully residential and selected participants will be provided Boarding and Lodging facilities along with necessary TA as applicable as per norms. The course will be fully residential details of the course are as under:

Title:Certificate Course in “Preparation of Peoples Bio-Diversity Register (PBR)”
Duration: 1 month
EQ:Graduates with Bio Sciences

Last Date:20.01.2020

Eligible candidates may apply through the following website link: or contact through the following email:
In case of any clarifications, please contact/visit:-
Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) Bigyan Bhawan, GS Road, Guwahati-05
Phone : 98598-53415, 94355-56965
E-Mail ID:,

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